Open MPI AOCC HPL benchmark for AMD processors


  • Provision the cluster and install slurm on all cluster nodes.

  • OpenMPI should be installed and compiled with slurm on all cluster nodes or should be available on the NFS share.

To execute multi-node jobs

  1. Update the following parameters in /etc/slurm/slurm.conf:

  2. Restart slurmd.service on all compute nodes.

    systemctl stop slurmd
    systemctl start slurmd
  3. Once the service restarts on the compute nodes, restart slurmctld.service on the manager node.

    systemctl stop slurmctld.service
    systemctl start slurmctld.service
  4. Job execution can now be initiated. Provide the host list using srun and sbatch. For example:

For a job to run on multiple nodes (omnianode00001.omnia.test, omnianode00006.omnia.test and, omnianode00005.omnia.test) and OpenMPI is compiled and installed on the NFS share (/home/omnia-share/openmpi/bin/mpirun), the job can be initiated as below:

srun -N 3 --partition=mpiexectrial /home/omnia-share/openmpi/bin/mpirun -host omnianode00001.omnia.test,omnianode00006.omnia.test,omnianode00005.omnia.test ./amd-zen-hpl-2023_07_18/xhpl

For a batch job using the same parameters, the script would be:


#SBATCH --job-name=test

#SBATCH --output=test.log

#SBATCH --partition=normal


#SBATCH --time=10:00

#SBATCH --ntasks=2

source /home/omnia-share/

export PATH=$PATH:/home/omnia-share/openmpi/bin

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/omnia-share/openmpi/lib

mpirun  -host omnianode00001.omnia.test,omnianode00005.omnia.test ./amd-zen-hpl-2023_07_18/xhpl

srun sleep 30

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