Re-provisioning the cluster

While re-provisioning the cluster, users can modify the following:

  • The operating system

  • CUDA

  • OFED

Omnia can re-provision the cluster by running the following command:

cd provision
ansible-playbook provision.yml -i inventory

Alternatively, if a re-deployment with no modifcations are required

cd provision
ansible-playbook discovery_provision.yml -i inventory

Where the inventory contains a list of host IPs as shown below:


  • The host IPs passed in the inventory should be assigned by Omnia.

  • If the nodes were discovered via snmpwalk or mapping, users will be required to manually reboot target nodes.

Setting up the cluster

  1. Update the inventory file with the required node details following the example provided here.

  2. To install security, job scheduler and storage tools (NFS, BeeGFS) on the node, run omnia.yml:

    ansible-playbook omnia.yml -i inventory

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