Running local repo

The local repository feature will help create offline repositories on the control plane which all the cluster nodes will access.

Configurations made by the playbook

  • A registry is created on the control plane at <Control Plane hostname>:5001.

  • If repo_config in local_repo_config.yml is set to always or partial, all images present in the input/config/<operating system>/<version> folder will be downloaded to the control plane.

    • If the image is defined using a tag, the image will be tagged using <control plane hostname>:5001/<image_name>:<version> and pushed to the Omnia local registry.

    • If the image is defined using a digest, the image will be tagged using <control plane hostname>:5001/<image_name>:omnia and pushed to the Omnia local registry.repositories

  • When repo_config in local_repo_config.yml is set to always, the control plane is set as the default registry mirror.

  • When repo_config in local_repo_config is set to partial, the user_registry (if defined) and the control plane are set as default registry mirrors.

To create local repositories, run the following commands:

cd local_repo
ansible-playbook local_repo.yml


During the execution of local_repo.yml, Omnia 1.6 will remove packages such as podman, containers-common, and buildah (if they are already installed), as they conflict with the installation of on RHEL/Rocky Linux OS control plane.

Verify changes made by the playbook by running cat /etc/containerd/certs.d/_default/hosts.toml on compute nodes.


  • View the status of packages for the current run of local_repo.yml in /opt/omnia/offline/download_package_status.csv. Packages which are already a part of AppStream or BaseOS repositories (for RHEL or Rocky Linux OS) and Focal or Jammy repositories (for Ubuntu) show up as Skipped.

  • If repo_config is set to partial, packages which are part of the user_repo_url or images which are part of user_registry have a Skipped status in /opt/omnia/offline/download_package_status.csv.

  • If any software packages failed to download during the execution of this script, scripts that rely on the package for their working (that is, scripts that install the software) may fail.

To fetch images from the user_registry or the Omnia local registry, run the below commands:

  • Images defined with versions: nerdctl pull <global_registry>/<image_name>:<tag>

  • Images defined with digests: nerdctl pull <global_registry>/<image_name>:omnia


  • After local_repo.yml has run, the value of repo_config in input/software_config.json cannot be updated without running the control_plane_cleanup.yml script first.

  • To configure additional local repositories after running local_repo.yml, update software_config.json and re-run local_repo.yml.

  • For images coming from, digests are defined as tags are not available. Omnia gives a custom tag of ‘omnia’ to these images. If such images need to be taken from the user_registry, use one of the below steps:

    • Append ‘omnia’ to the end of the image name while pushing images to the user_registry. Update the image definition in input/config/<operating system>/<version>/<software>.json to follow the same nomenclature.

    • If a different tag is provided, update the digest value in input/config/<operating system>/<version>/<software>.json as per the image digest in the user_directory. To get the updated digest from the user_registry, use the below steps:

      • Check the tag of image: curl -k https://<user_registry>/v2/<image_name>/tags/list

      • Check the digest of the tag: curl -H <headers> -k https://<user_registry>/v2/<image_name>/manifests/omnia

Update local repositories

This playbook updates all local repositories configured on a provisioned cluster after local repositories have been configured.

To run the playbook:

cd utils
ansible-playbook update_user_repo.yml -i inventory

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