
The monitor role sets up Grafana , Prometheus and Loki as Kubernetes pods.

Setting Up Monitoring

  1. To set up monitoring, enter all required variables in monitor/monitor_config.yml.




string Optional

Username for Dockerhub account. This will be used for Docker login and a kubernetes secret will be created and patched to service account in default namespace. This kubernetes secret can be used to pull images from private repositories.


string Optional

Password for Dockerhub account. This field is mandatory if docker_username is provided.


string Required

Kubernetes pod network CIDR for appliance k8s network. Make sure this value does not overlap with any of the host networks.

Default values:


string Required

The username for grafana UI. The length of username should be at least 5 characters. The username must not contain -,, ‘,”


string Required

Password used for grafana UI. The length of the password should be at least 5 characters. The password must not contain -,, ‘,”. Do not use “admin” in this field.


string Required

The path where the Grafana persistent volume will be mounted. If telemetry is set up, all telemetry related files will also be stored and both timescale and mysql databases will be mounted to this location. ‘/’ is mandatory at the end of the path.

Default values: /opt/omnia/telemetry


  • After running monitor.yml, the file input/monitor_config.yml will be encrypted. To edit the file, use ansible-vault edit monitor_config.yml --vault-password-file .monitor_vault_key.

  • Rocky 8.7 is not compatible with the Kubernetes installed by monitor.yml due to known issues with cri-o. For more information, click here.

  1. Run the playbook using the following command:

    cd monitor
    ansible-playbook monitor.yml